Forêt et plage : Notre Dame de Monts-St Jean de Monts

Personnes concernées: 
20 kms
1 jours
Percentage of paths: 
100 %
Car park address at starting point: 
La Parée Grollier-Notre Dame de Monts
Other car parks: 
La Davière-St Jean de Monts

20km trail including 6 on the beach and 14 in the forest.

Parking possible at La Parée Grollier (near the water treatment plant) in Notre Dame de Monts or at La Davière in St Jean de Monts.

Excerpt from the regulations of St Jean de Monts managing horse traffic in the town and on the beach.

Art.1 : … traffic on the roads and sidewalks is prohibited all year round throughout the city with the exception of Parée Jésus in its part giving access to the fire lanes, from Rue du Moulin Cassé and Rue Bois blanc

Art.2 : …every year from 1 May to 30 September, horse traffic is prohibited on the beach, including the part between the boundary of St Hilaire de Riez and the north end of the Gulf, as well as the dunes of Notre Dame de Monts. Riding is however authorised from 1 May to 30 September from 7pm to 10am in this section between the north end of the Gulf and the boundary of Notre Dame de Monts.

Excerpt from the regulations of Notre Dame de Monts managing horse traffic in the town and on the beach.

Beach prohibited every year from 1 April to 30 September from 9am to 7pm. Mounted or harnessed horses are prohibited in the centre of Notre Dame de Monts, during this same period.
